Star Wars Fan Fiction

Ghost in the Machine

WIP. Gen. Currently my most popular work. Anakin Skywalker focused.

Warrior, military commander, religious fanatic, heir to Palpatine's throne--everyone knew who Darth Vader was.
But a mere accident alters the outcome of Vader's battle with his emperor onboard the second Death Star, saving his life,
but stripping him of everything that defined him. In a changed galaxy, Anakin Skywalker is forced to discover who he truly is.

Within a Dark Wood

WIP. Gen. Currently updating most frequently. Anakin Skywalker focused with hints of Anakin/Padme and Anakin/Palpatine.

Caught between damnation and paradise, Anakin must confront the ghosts of his past and make peace with his choices in a bid
to gain eternal rest. There may be a few surprises along the way.

That Fatal Disease

One shot. Gen. Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

Ferocious and masterful rulers, Vader and Palpatine existed in a realm apart from even their most determined enemies,
and feared none of that one that could never be seen; could never be touched.

The Ascent

Poem. Luke, Vader and Palpatine.

The old Jedi believed that the dark side, once embraced, will always dominate your destiny. Luke does not agree.

The Honour and the Glory

Complete. Gen. Anakin, Palpatine, and Obi-Wan.

Anakin makes a friend. Obi-Wan makes a mistake. Palpatine tells a story.

The Anaka Skywalker Series

In another universe, Shmi had a daughter.

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